What is SASE?
Secure Access Service Edge or “SASE” is a term that was coined by Gartner in 2019. Although it’s tempting to think of it as a product category, similar to SDP or VPN, it is more of a framework or philosophy. SASE encompasses a package of technologies, delivered as a service, that are designed to support the dynamic secure access needs of modern organizations.
The road to SASE
In order to abide by the SASE framework, every networking and security solution that once lived in a box in the datacentre, needs to instead be delivered as a service to the distributed workforce (at the edge). The traditional bottleneck of tunnelling everything through one central on-premise ‘hub’ is therefore alleviated.
SASE in practice means delivering identity-centric network security, as a service, in the cloud. SASE solutions sit between agile users and corporate resources. They dynamically provide low-latency, secure direct access, based on identity.
C-RAN®: Secure Access
Reduced complexity and cost |
Improvements in perfomance and latency |
Increased ease of use and transparency for end users |
Simpler IT Management and reduced maintenance |
Better Security |
Zero-trust posture garanteed |
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