Africa Network Connections

The SEACOM System connects South and East Africa directly to Europe and South Asia.
SEACOM offers a full bandwidth solution, including back haul to Nairobi and Johannesburg.
Within Africa, South Africa, Mozambique, Tanzania and Kenya are inter-connected via a protected ring structure.
Additionally, a second express fibre pair is provided from South Africa to Kenya. These two fibre pairs have a combined capacity of 1,280 Gbs.
An additional express fibre pair is provided from Kenya to France into a Service Location in Marseilles with 640Gbs capacity.
Another express fibre pair is provided from Tanzania to India into the Service Location in Mumbai with 640Gbs capacity.
SEACOM has procured fibre capacity from Marseilles to London as part of the SEACOM network.
Let CMC Networks provide the perfect solution for your network needs.
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Johannesburg: +27 (0)11 517 8400