CMC Networks®
Future-ready Networks
Your Largest Pan African and Middle Eastern Carrier
CMC Networks is a global service provider helping tomorrow’s hybrid businesses address complex networking requirements. CMC Networks provides networking solutions across the African continent and Middle East region. Servicing 51 countries in Africa, 12 countries in the Middle East, and an enhanced network across the Americas, Europe, UK, and Asia Pacific.
CMC Networks delivers next generation intelligent connectivity solutions across treacherous terrain. This ‘all-in-one networking’ approach provides a welcome convenience to the business and guarantees that its network is future-ready.
In amidst a digital-first transformation, multinationals, governmental entities and non-profit organisations are evolving at a faster pace than ever before. To address these evolving market-level requirements, CMC Networks has placed significant focus on providing Internet products and solutions to meet a growing and changing customer demand.
Global Network
Contact us
Johannesburg: +27 (0)11 517 8400