CMC Networks launches Air Connect wireless solution to mitigate business connectivity risks in South Africa

marisa airconnect

CMC Networks, a global Tier 1 service provider, is providing wireless connectivity solutions to businesses across South Africa.

Air Connect provides wireless connectivity solutions to businesses across South Africa, helping them overcome business continuity challenges caused by risk factors like vandalism and theft of infrastructure.

> Click here to learn more about CMC Networks’ Air Connect offering.

CMC Networks acknowledges the severity of these issues and aims to shield its customers from the repercussions.
Therefore, the Air Connect Wireless Network represents a significant step forward in safeguarding connectivity and operational continuity in South Africa.

The network
The Air Connect Wireless Network is meticulously engineered to withstand disruptions traditionally incurred due to fixed-line vandalism, sabotage, and other unforeseen events.

It minimises downtime and empowers businesses to operate without interruption by always ensuring a reliable and redundant connection.
This Wireless to the Business (WTTB) solution promises dependable, high-speed internet access even in the most demanding environments.
It does this by harnessing radio wave technology to ensure robust and stable connections across diverse landscapes, including rural areas and rugged terrains.

“Our aim is to power the next era of digital adoption across Africa, and Air Connect is a huge step forward in doing so specifically for South Africa,” said Marisa Trisolino, CEO of CMC Networks
“It provides our customers with a wider selection of connectivity options to add redundancy to their networks, helping to keep their businesses up and running no matter the circumstances.”

Easy installation
One of the key features of Air Connect is its rapid installation time, with a service level objective (SLO) of 3 to 10 days.

This swift deployment makes it an invaluable resource for businesses wanting to mitigate vandalism and theft targeting telecommunication infrastructure, as well as for those awaiting fibre optic infrastructure.

For the latter, Air Connect offers a quick interim solution to minimise network downtime, and because it integrates into existing networks, it can also be used as an active backup following fibre rollout.

This capability enhances network resilience, redundancy, and uptime, particularly in software-defined wide-area network (SD-WAN) overlay deployments.

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Impressive scalability
Arno (Arrie) Engelbrecht, Head of Radio Frequency at CMC Networks, emphasizes Air Connect's scalability to meet diverse business needs.

“Air Connect is a fully scalable solution with rapid installation, high-speed connectivity, increased network uptime and reliability. We’re continually expanding our portfolio to meet our customers’ changing requirements.”

With over three decades of experience in Africa, CMC Networks boasts the largest pan-African network, servicing 51 out of 54 countries on the continent and 11 countries in the Middle East, too.

The company's regional hubs across Europe, the Americas, and the Asia-Pacific region solidify its position as a leader in global connectivity solutions.

CMC Networks' Air Connect Wireless Solution is a game-changer in addressing present-day connectivity challenges in South Africa.

Click here to learn more about CMC Networks’ Air Connect offering.



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