CMC addresses Network issues caused by recent WACs break

The West African Cable System (WACs) was impacted by a break on Friday 28 March 2020, which has been localized between Highbridgein the UK and Seixalin Portugal.

The West African Cable System (WACs) was impacted by a break on Friday 28 March 2020, which has been localized between Highbridgein the UK and Seixalin Portugal.

CMC Networks has diverted our customers’ traffic via alternate subsea cable systems, leveraging multiple international routes and its extensive existing infrastructure whilst also securing capacity on alternative routes.

An earlier pre-existing break is still pending restoral on the SAT-3 cable system, which follows a similar route to WACs along Africa’s west coast to Europe.
The SAT-3 break is only likely to be fixed around 2nd April 2020, with the cable repair ship on site at present.

The cumulative undersea cables major breaks on WACS and SAT-3, could potentially affect performance, with possible degradation during high demand periods.
The repair vessel is already underway to the breakdown location, however there is currently no anticipated repair date at this point.

CMC Networks will do everything possible to ensure business continuity for its valued clients during this time via its extensive African Footprint and we ensure you that this is our top priority.

WACS repair status and updates can be tracked via:



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