CMC Networks C-RAN™ Remote Access set to empower the remote workforce (WFH) in the MENA Region using NetMotion™

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Covid-19 has seemingly changed the world almost overnight with employers and employees forced to adapt to what many call the “New Normal”. The “New normal” a dramatic shift from static workforces based at large HQs and corporate networks, to a mobile workforce where Work from Home (WFH) has become the standard. This new paradigm has created a multitude of ICT infrastructure challenges, on a scale never seen before, that employers are left to face overnight.

The long pole in the tent is the need for secure remote access for corporate systems and services.

Traditionally, Enterprises had some form of strategy to deal with remote access requirements using VPN clients. These VPN clients were largely neglected and treated as a necessary evil by most organizations’ IT departments. They provided limited security, visibility, control and could not scale efficiently without large investments in IT infrastructure.

Enter Covid-19 and within days 95% of enterprise workers were confined to their homes with VPNs becoming their only lifeline to critical systems required to perform their job functions. The cracks in traditional VPNs showed almost immediately and increased by unprecedented congestion across ISP networks. VPN sessions were constantly disconnecting or timing out and organizations lost extensive visibility of activities performed by their remote workforce. Initially this was manageable in the short-term, but a long-term sustainable solution was needed.

As a trusted connectivity provider in the MENA region, CMC Networks is the regional distributor for Net Motion™, and in partnership launched CMC Networks C-RAN™ Remote Access offering.

C-RAN™ Remote Access is a software defined perimeter (SD-P) solution which directly addresses the current remote access challenges ISPs, MSPs and Enterprises face by providing stability, security and control on congested networks, using patented session optimization & persistence, policy-based management & control and traffic prioritization (QoS). This provides unparalleled control over Enterprise endpoints while enhancing security postures. C-RAN™ Remote Access ensures voice and video calls stay active during periods of high packet loss or congestion and with its policy engine, provides customers with the ability to control the access, features and the behaviour of Enterprise endpoints based on predefined network conditions. Quality of Service (QoS) is implemented through traffic prioritization based on destination networks, applications and/or DSCP tags which ensures the best possible end-user experience. C-RAN™ Remote Access also provides a direct cost saving through data compression leading to a lower TCO when used with metered connectivity such as 4G/LTE. The solution can also be easily integrated with an existing or upcoming SD WAN deployment for further security and control.

CMC Networks, as the regional distributor, has launched C-RAN™ Remote Access to our customers and partners across Africa and the Middle East. Through innovation, implementation, and support of C-RAN™ Remote Access, CMC Networks is equipping the remote workforce for the “New Normal” allowing you and your customers to thrive!

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+27 (0) 11 517 8440
CMC Networks




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